Recalibrate creativity

THC seeks to:

From Dissonance

Whilst our eyes are directed towards screens, many of us overlook the vibrant richness of our immediate surroundings. As a result, our basic senses are no longer attuned to the natural rhythms around us as well as deep within us.

Synthetic structures stand over us, disconnecting us from our true house. In the process of fabricating such systems, the Earth has been plundered and polluted and our human connections have become shallow and faceless.

To Resonance

In a time dominated by screens and constant stimulation, True House Co continues to safeguard the existence of the humble yet mighty notebook.

The notebook offers a tangible and tactile experience that deeply engages our senses and sparks creativity, enabling us to break free from the confines of the digital realm and connect with our true selves as creations of the natural world.

Express yourself

In a ‘post-truth’ era of censorship and deception, the notebook allows for freedom of expression to naturally unfold into harmony with creation and our creative spirit.

Make your mark

With each mark made on the paper we establish a personal connection, a physical manifestation of our thoughts and ideas. The practice of note-making encourages us to slow down, to observe and reflect, and to immerse ourselves in the beauty of the world.

Share the voyage

Collective note-making harnesses the power of sharing to deepen our understanding and foster connection among fellow voyagers. By collectively documenting thoughts, experiences, and insights, we can uncover important messages and key downloads from the shared universe that might go unnoticed in our individual journeys.

This collaborative approach not only enhances personal growth but also strengthens group cohesion and empathy. The collective narrative becomes a rich tapestry of shared experiences, enabling participants to support each other, learn together, and build a more nuanced and unified vision of our collective journey.

Join the


Your local


The notebooks that we provide for the Collective are made from the people’s plant: Cannabis Sativa Hemp. Utilising this useful weed, our trees and forests are protected and preserved.

True House Collective

is a not-for-profit, heart centred, artist-run initiative

Every notebook purchased directly supports the growing Collective of note-makers.

Through our membership agreement, we operate outside of the public realm and maintain autonomy and self-responsibility. To safeguard our true house for generations to come, we each play a role in its upkeep. The solution to humanities problems does not come from corporations - it comes from us working in harmony with nature and each other.

Membership Guidelines 

The founders of THC have spent a lot of time together...
exploring all manner of creative thoughts, 
ideas and feelings on the pages of their notebooks.

The benefits of


began to reveal themselves:

An Increased Awareness
of Natural Rhythms

A Reliable Physical
Record of Experience

Enhanced Idea Generation
and Creative Processing

Emotional Release and
Stress Reduction

Ignited Curiosity
for Meaningful Inquiry

Personal Empowerment
and Self Care

All of this and much more…

Reconnect to

the LiFi

The founders developed a rhythmic formula that aims to recalibrate creativity with natural rhythms. By consciously note-making throughout the seasons, a beautiful harmony unfolds. 

A conceptual doodle of a baby hemp plant, sprouting up from some paper. A hand drawing from the seed below.

The invitation is open…

Become a


Participate at in-person workshops or voyage from afar. 

The founders of THC deliberately choose not to display their presence online, as the Collective is truly about the Collective. You will, however, meet us IRL at workshops or markets and we promise we are friendly faces. We operate on the land known as Terra Australis