True House

Reigniting reverence for our true house is a collective effort

Eight spiralling hands, pens poised, creating a circle. The words "Observe, Express, Reflect" are written in the circle. In the middle of this is the THC "tone".

True House invites you to regain balance with the elements and resonate into harmony with community and self.

Embark with us on a collaborative note-making project, using the rhythmic formula: ‘Observe - Express - Reflect’ to gently dissolve the boundaries of ego and journey forward into co-creation.

Our Formula:


Observation is to take note by planting the conceptual seed or idea upon the page of your notebook.


Expression is to break boundaries by growing the concepts through explorative experimentation.


Reflection is to make change by harvesting the powerful potential from this rhythmic process.

Why join the Collective?

  • Collective note-making nurtures a diverse community where members exchange ideas, enriching the creative process, leading to profound and impactful artworks that resonate.

    Community is the lifeblood of human society, binding individuals together in a web of support, connection, and shared purpose.

  • Observe - Express - Reflect

    When you join the Collective and participate in our collaborative note-making project (coming soon), we teach the rhythmic formula of O-E-R.

    A simple and beautiful method to encourage you to connect with yourself, others and the natural world around you.

  • Seasonal workshops delve into the formula of Observe - Express - Reflect, offering participants a structured and meaningful approach to their creative journey.

    Through these workshops, individuals learn to keenly observe their surroundings and internal experiences, followed by expressing their insights through various artistic mediums. Finally, they engage in reflective exercises, allowing them to glean deeper meaning from their creations and personal growth.

  • UnReal Life to In Real Life

    As the world goes digital, we continue to see the beauty in the physical world; the True House around us.

    Notebooks are free from digital interruptions, nurturing a more mindful and focused note-making experience.

    Joining the Collective will set you on the voyage from dissonance within a synthetic system to resonance with the natural self and world.

a new journalism
Take Note, 
Break Boundaries 
& Make Change

In an increasingly digital world, True House Collective continues to safeguard the existence of the humble notebook. It is important that the voices of creation remain raw and uncensored. 

Typically, the notes we make in a notebook are kept to ourselves. By sharing the notes in a collective, there is an opportunity to dissolve the boundaries of ego and journey forward into an abundant community of co-creation. 

The project nurtures our innate creativity into harmony by bringing rightful reverence to our ‘true house’: that is, mother nature. The message is simple: Care for our true house and her love will shelter us all.

* Coming soon

* Coming soon

Be part of:

chapter one

True House Collective intends to release an annual publication called the Scribe Chapters, curating any submissions that participants have shared from their notebooks kept throughout the seasons. This includes: sketches, writing, paintings, collage and everything in-between.  

The publications document the collective voyage through our fascinating transitional times and offers an open-source fountain of inspiration for members.

Members will be able to join us at our in-person workshops or share notes as scans via email. More information coming soon.

A hand passing a THC notebook. THC "tone" in background